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Is It Better Pay Down Your Mortgage Or Invest That Same Money?

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Jane Bourette

Member of Ed Slott's Elite IRA Advisor Group
Coast to Coast Financial Planning LLC

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When you have a bit of extra money, you may find yourself wondering if it would be better to overpay your mortgage or invest the extra dollars. This is a common question for financial planners , particularly when mortgage rates are in the 6% to 7% range. As with most situations regarding financial planning, it’s a question with an answer that is situational and dependent on your personal situation. Sometimes, an example with numbers can help you to understand how this scenario may play out for you.

Should you overpay your mortgage or invest that money? (Photo by Graeme Robertson)

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Paying Down Your Mortgage Versus Investing Extra Money

Let’s pretend that you own an $800,000 home with $400,000 left on the mortgage, at a 5% rate for 30 years. Let’s also pretend that you have $1,000,000 saved for retirement already. For the sake of pretending, we won’t take into account the current interest rates as those are variable and may change.

Spoiler alert time – as a financial planner, I tend to believe that over the course of your mortgage term, regardless of the length, your investments will fare better than the interest you are paying on your mortgage.

But let’s go a step further and in fact, let’s completely remove the rate of return and assume that investment returns and mortgage rates are identical. With all things being equal, it’s important to remember that they aren’t actually identical – you see if both mortgage rates and investment rates were the same, you’d still get a deduction for the interest you’re paying on the mortgage while you don’t get a deduction when it comes to investing (in non-retirement investments). This gives a slight edge to the investing versus mortgage pay down.

Let’s continue our example, with a $400,000 mortgage at 5% and over the course of a 30 year mortgage period, you’re paying a total of $373,023 in interest. You’re also paying the $400,000 that you initially borrowed in principal, for a total of $773,023 in total payments.

Now if you’d had invested that same money monthly in a 5% rate of return, what would happen? In this scenario, let’s assume that you pay in the same amount of $773,023 but instead you’re assuming the benefit of compounding interest on your money. In this scenario, you’d have a total of $1,757,774 in total dollars, which is 2.5 times your net that you would have had if you put that money toward your mortgage.

Rate of Return

The example above is an over simplification, but it holds true at 7% and it holds true at 3% mortgage rates of return. Another element to remember here is that when you pay off your mortgage, it doesn’t mean that your home is worth any more than it was initially. Rather, you simply don’t owe the bank any more. Your house continues to appreciate regardless of if you owe money or not. For example, you don’t make money if you buy a home at $500,000 and pay it off and it continues to only be worth $500,000 if you then sell it. You make money when that home is then worth $700,000 if you were to sell it, and how much you owe or don’t owe the bank has nothing to do with your home’s appreciation.

To justify the math on overpaying instead of taking extra money and investing it, you’d really need terrible returns in the market for 30 years and an extraordinarily high interest rate, in my opinion. It’s also worth noting that you can borrow money for a home, but you can’t borrow money for your retirement.

By Andrew Rosen, Contributor

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Jane Bourette profile photo

Jane Bourette

Member of Ed Slott's Elite IRA Advisor Group
Coast to Coast Financial Planning LLC

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