How to Be a Valuable Company Resource as a 10xer: The Blueprint

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Zachary Kitz

Financial Advisor
Hilltop Securities Inc.
Office : 6196183617
Mobile : 6193456756
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10xers quickly elevate a company’s mission through critical thinking and creating value rather than adding value.


In an era that celebrates optimized performance and exponential growth, a breed of individuals outpace the rest by a factor of ten—10xers. The term was popularized by the startup scene, describing professionals whose contributions to a company’s growth are not just significant but revolutionary. With an enviable ability to regularly deliver results that far surpass the norm, 10xers are the linchpins in a world where scalability, innovation and speed-to-market are currency.

But what sets these high-achievers apart, and how can one transform themselves into a 10x powerhouse? Whether you are an entrepreneurial spirit eager to make a mark or a career-driven individual hungry for growth, having a blueprint makes the process seamless.

Understanding The 10X Phenomenon

The discussion on 10xers typically revolves around the realm of software engineering and the tech world, but the concept transcends industries. A 10xer is essentially a person who demonstrates skills, productivity and innovation that’s ten times—or more—better than the average employee in their category. They are the conceptualizers and executors of ideas that push businesses past their limits, driving growth and propelling the company into uncharted territories.

This term, popularized by Google’s former SVP of People Operations, Laszlo Bock, is not just about working longer hours or having a unique skill set. It’s about the person’s capacity to excel within a role and fundamentally reshape the role itself, often iterating through numerous other roles to support that change.

The Anatomy Of A 10Xer

A combination of inherent traits and cultivated abilities often characterizes 10xers:

  • Extreme Ownership: 10xers are not just team players; they act as owners of the problems they are trying to solve, driving them to find the most effective, innovative solutions no matter the obstacles.
  • Rapid Learning and Adaptability: They are quick to grasp new concepts and can adapt to changing contexts, ensuring they are always ahead in a dynamic work environment.
  • Willingness to Fail: Innovation and growth often come from taking risks, and 10xers are not afraid of failure. Instead, they learn from it, pivot and grow stronger.
  • Systemic Thinking: They do not view problems in isolation but understand how they fit within the broader context of the company’s objectives and market trends.
  • Laser Focus: 10xers are relentless in pursuing their goals, often to the exclusion of other distractions. This allows them to achieve exceptional results in the shortest possible time.
  • Communication Prowess: They master the art of communication, aligning diverse teams and stakeholders towards a common objective with clarity and charisma.

How To Cultivate 10Xer Capabilities

Becoming a 10xer is not a birthright but a path you can choose. It requires a conscious effort to develop the following habits and skills, which can dramatically enhance your performance and value in the workplace:

  • Ambitious Yet Achievable Goals: Define clear objectives for your work that stretch your capabilities but are achievable with strategic planning and hard work.
  • Invest in Lifelong Learning: The world is constantly changing, and so should your knowledge. Invest time in reading, platforms like Coursera, and networking with peers who challenge your current understanding.
  • Master Your Craft: Go deep into your domain and become an expert. 10xers aren’t jacks of all trades; they are specialists who know their field better than most.
  • Innovate Continuously: Don’t settle for the current state. Always look for ways to improve processes, tools and methods, and be the champion for those changes.
  • Act on Feedback: Positive and constructive feedback is your best friend. Use it to refine your approach and knowledge continuously.
  • Grow Your Network: Connect with professionals inside and outside your company. A strong network provides you with resources, support and opportunities.
  • Manage Your Energy, Not Just Your Time: 10xers understand the importance of rest, nutrition, and exercise to maintain peak performance. Manage your energy with the same rigor you manage your time.

10xers view problems in isolation but understand how they fit within the broader context of the company’s objectives and market trends.


Mindset In Action

Developing the 10Xer mindset is about adopting specific attitudes and approaches to your work:

  • Be Proactive, Not Reactive: Don’t wait for things to happen; make them happen. Proactive individuals are the ones who instigate change and drive progress.
  • Think Long-Term: In everything you do, consider the long-term implications and strive to create lasting value, whether in projects, relationships or personal development.
  • Turn Problems into Opportunities: Challenges are just undiscovered opportunities. 10xers use adversity as a springboard for innovation and growth.
  • Be a Value Creator, Not Just a Value Adder: Don’t just contribute; add unique value that others can’t. This is what makes you indispensable.
  • Lead from Within: You don’t need a title to be a leader. Anyone can lead, inspire and generate change from within their current role.

Overcoming Barriers To Performance

Becoming a 10xer is an arduous but rewarding quest. However, there are common challenges you might face:

  • Overcoming Impostor Syndrome: Recognize that even the most brilliant minds have doubts. Believe in your abilities and remind yourself of your past successes.
  • Balancing Perfectionism with Progress: Strive for excellence, but don’t let perfectionism paralyze you. It’s often better to have an imperfect but implementable solution than none at all.
  • Adapting to Organizational Culture: The company culture might sometimes not value or encourage 10x behaviors. Use your communication skills to influence change within your organization.

The Toolkit

To fully equip yourself on your 10xer journey, consider the following tools and resources:

  • Thought Leaders: Delve into the literature that can elevate your thinking on leadership, innovation and teamwork. Authors like Simon Sinek, Malcolm Gladwell and Stephen Covey offer invaluable insights.
  • Learning Platforms: Take advantage of platforms like LinkedIn Learning, Udemy and Khan Academy to acquire new skills and knowledge at your own pace.
  • Coaching: Seek mentors within your network or invest in a professional coach who can guide your personal and professional growth.
  • Health and Wellness Resources: Your physical and mental well-being are critical components of your performance. Use resources like meditation apps, gym memberships and healthy eating guides to maintain your energy levels.

Your potential for impact within your company is vast. You can be the catalyst for transformative change, or you can choose to stand on the sidelines. The decision is yours. Are you ready to become the 10xer your company needs?

By Cheryl Robinson, Contributor

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Zachary Kitz

Financial Advisor
Hilltop Securities Inc.
Office : 6196183617
Mobile : 6193456756
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