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3 Advantages Of Setting A Huge, Unattainable Goal In Life

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Boulos Michael, CRPC®, AAMS®

Wealth Advisor; Managing Partner
Stewardship Wealth Management Solutions
Office : (714) 455-2955
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In a world obsessed with achievement and productivity, the idea of setting a goal that we may never complete might seem counterintuitive. There is, however, profound wisdom in aiming for the seemingly impossible. A grand, unattainable goal—one with no finish line—can serve as a beacon that can guide our lives, provide purpose, and push us to continuously grow.

As my mentor Dr. Marshall Goldsmith says, embracing the concept of “find your impossible” can lead to a more fulfilling and enriched life.

A grand, unattainable goal can serve as a beacon that can guide our life, provide purpose, and push us to continuously grow.


Incorporating an unattainable goal into our lives doesn’t mean abandoning achievable ones. Short-term, attainable goals provide immediate rewards and ensure we are providing measurable value in our work. In contrast, a long-term, unattainable goal provides us with vision and inspiration. It reminds us that life is not just about checking off boxes, but about dreaming big and striving toward something greater.

When we aim for a goal that stretches our capabilities to their limits, we can ignite a deep-seated drive and passion inside of us. For instance, I know of a neuroscientist whose life goal is to “Understand the Human Brain.” The objective to fully understand the complexities of the mind will probably never be fully realized, but his research has contributed to advancements in mental health treatment, cognitive development, and artificial intelligence.

A few advantages of setting a huge, unattainable goal in life include:

1. Defining A Big Goal Helps Define Who We Are

A huge goal transcends our mundane, day-to-day tasks and taps into our core values and aspirations. An unattainable goal becomes more than just an aim in life; it becomes a part of who we are. For example, consider a leader who adopts a goal of “Creating the world’s most engaging corporate culture” in her organization. Working toward any goal like that will be a never-ending process that will require full effort, ongoing communication, and an adaptability to change. And with these focuses crystalized, this leader can better define the kind of leader she needs to be to reach her goals.

2. An Unreachable Goal Demands Growth

It’s important to note that the value of a huge life goal lies not in its completion, but in the striving. Legendary mountaineer George Mallory, when asked why he wanted to climb Mount Everest, replied, “Because it’s there.” The essence of his pursuit was not just about reaching the summit (no one is sure if he did), but about the challenge and the journey itself. Setting a vast goal for ourselves like that encourages continuous learning and development. In the pursuit of something grand, we will be constantly faced with new challenges that require us to acquire new skills and think creatively. Take, for instance a biologist who has a goal of regenerating and repairing damaged tissues and organs using stem cell therapy. This process will involve understanding how to effectively guide stem cells to differentiate into specific cell types and integrate seamlessly with existing tissues, knowing full well that the more discoveries are made, the more questions will arise. Still, this endless quest for knowledge in a relatively new field keeps the mind sharp and curiosity alive as advancements are slowly and steadily made.

3. Communicating A Big Goal Strengthens Our Community

For those of us in business, sharing our huge life aspirations with others can bring about a sense of community and shared purpose. When individuals come together with a common aim that is larger than their daily work, it fosters collaboration, camaraderie, and mutual support. One IT leader I coached had a grand goal of “Leveraging technology for innovation.” Her commitment included continually finding ways to utilize the latest advancements to improve her company’s business processes, which meant adopting AI, blockchain, and other emerging technologies as they became available and could benefit her firm. Her goal is certainly big enough that it will likely never be completed given the rapid pace of technological advancements, evolving market demands, and the perpetual emergence of new tools. Still, her goal inspires her and her team members every day to push for greater heights.

The concept of "find your impossible" can transform the way each of us approaches life. By setting one big goal that will stretch us beyond our reach—a goal that may never be completed—we can unlock a reservoir of motivation and perhaps even inspire a community to help us.

So, dare to dream big. Aim for the stars, even if you never reach them. The journey toward your impossible will be one of the most rewarding adventures you’ll ever embark on.

What is your impossible?

By Adrian Gostick, Contributor

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Boulos Michael, CRPC®, AAMS®

Wealth Advisor; Managing Partner
Stewardship Wealth Management Solutions
Office : (714) 455-2955
Schedule a meeting