AdvisorStream to Sponsor and Speak at the FPA BE Annual Conference 2016

Sept. 13, 2016

We’re thrilled to be sponsoring, exhibiting, and being a tech panelist at this year’s Financial Planning Association (FPA) Conference in Baltimore, MD from September 14th-16th. This conference brings together the largest concentrated gathering of CFP professionals in the United States.

AdvisorStream will be discussing in our tech panel how financial planners can address the challenges they face in their marketing and prospecting needs, particularly when it comes to generating qualified leads.

AdvisorStream allows financial planners to legally leverage engaging content from the world’s most credible publishers to distribute across all their digital channels, from newsletters, email, website and social media, to stay top of mind in a value-added way and provide immediate value to clients and prospects. AdvisorStream’s proprietary auto-lead technology also captures new leads for financial planners every month.

If you plan to attend, be sure to visit AdvisorStream’s tech booth and speak with AdvisorStream CEO, Kevin Mulhern, or Head of Marketing and Business Development, Katrina Kordowski, to learn more about how you can generate new leads and retain your clients with the world’s most powerful automated business building platform for financial planners and advisors.