How can I find good employees for my business?

In a job market where the economy is strong and unemployment is low, finding qualified employees may be difficult. However, in a slow-growth or recessionary environment, finding qualified individuals will probably be much easier.

Think about the type of employees that you want to hire. The skill level and experience requirements you set will determine the best search method for you. You should consider recommendations from friends, family members, and business associates. You may also find help through professional, government, community, and religious organizations.

While word-of-mouth recommendations often result in the best candidates, another option is a career-oriented website. These sites are typically user-friendly and full of qualified job seekers looking for the right opportunity. Some sites can even manage your search by keeping a list of candidates you're interested in or not interested in, those you've contacted, those who've contacted you, and so forth--all with the click of a mouse. You can find a list of these sites by typing "job," "career," or "employment" into your favorite search engine. Most sites charge a flat rate for their services.

Do you need someone to make deliveries or wait on customers? Try posting flyers at the local high school or college campus. Find out if local colleges and technical high schools have training programs in your business (e.g., culinary arts or computer skills).

Although the traditional "Help Wanted" sections of the newspaper are rapidly becoming obsolete, they can still be helpful if you're looking for a local candidate for unskilled or part-time work. Placing an ad in the Sunday edition of a local newspaper will likely allow you to reach a wider audience than you could reach with the same ad on any other day.

If your goal is to find a highly skilled professional or an executive with years of experience, your best bet may be to hire a professional headhunter or search firm to assist you. These firms will do the legwork for you (e.g., sift through resumes, conduct initial interviews, and weed out unqualified candidates), but the service typically comes with a substantial price tag. Most will charge a percentage of an employee's first-year salary as a fee. If you have a small business and funds are tight, you may be better off conducting your own search via the Internet or professional organizations. The money you save can be used to attract new employees or hold on to the good ones you already have.